Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cool one-liners (I think they are original)

I have always worked very hard at whatever I did in life (some may say not smart). And since I worked hard it was always easy to feel victimized, look at unfairness and get unhappy. Once my mother-in-law, who is rather spiritual/philosophical, mentioned something that stuck with me. It has helped me at multiple junctures in my life. Paraphrasing here,

"Life is an ocean of unhappiness with a few islands of happiness. Spend time looking/hopping/remembering the islands, rather than looking at the ocean..."

I have been in my trade for many years. Some may consider highly-experienced. There is a certain arrogance that comes with it. Yes, I am guilty of it as well. And I have come across many folks who consider themselves to be highly-experienced. Many a times sparks fly. So decided to analyze why it happens. Is it a culture issue, a personality issue, do I get defensive? Finally I realized that what bothered me is the self-righteousness that folks exhibit to pass quick judgments. Hence,

"Experience teaches you to ask the right questions, not the right to pass quick judgments"

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